Add your business to Chatsumer today

We are an online search service dedicated to helping local customers find products and services in the Newry area.
Our service is free for both physical shops on the high street and online-only businesses that are locally based and selling products or services to local shoppers.

Sign Up Now - it’s FREE!

By joining Chatsumer, you'll gain access to a powerful marketing tool that can help you reach more customers and grow your business.

Here are a few benefits you'll receive by joining:

Increased Visibility

Our search service is the go-to destination for shoppers looking for local products and services.

By listing your business with us, you'll increase your visibility and make it easier for customers to find you.

Increased Visibility

Free Marketing

Chatsumer online is completely free to use for both shoppers and businesses.

By getting listed, you'll benefit from our marketing efforts without any additional costs.

Free Marketing

Customer Engagement

Our service is designed to encourage customer engagement with your business. By providing a detailed profile that includes photos, descriptions, and links to your website and social media channels, you'll make it easier for customers to learn about your business and engage with you.
Customer Engagement

Direct Promotiony

Chatsumer is promoted directly to over 21,000 local households, ensuring that your business is seen by a wide audience in your community.
Direct Promotiony

Unlimited Products

You can add as many products as you want to your business profile.

Each product will be visible to any local shoppers searching our database, which makes it easy for customers to find the products they want from smaller local sellers.

Unlimited Products

Ready to get listed with Chatsumer?

Simply complete the form below to submit your business information. Once we receive your information, we'll review it and add your business to our service. We look forward to helping you grow your business!

By clicking the “Submit” button, you agree to Chatsumer’s Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions